Friday, July 4, 2008

Less than 24 hours to go....


I just dropped LuLu off at my parent's house, she was totally ignoring me...she knows we are leaving. My parents really are the best, ready to go over all the necessary last minute things with me...they know the drill, they ran the program for over 30 years...with FOUR YOUNG DAUGHTERS in tow...before cellphones...before all the modern conveniences we have now (and traveling the world with a family of six back in the day....well, even toilet paper was a modern convenience in some of the places we traveled!!!) They continue to inspire me...motivate me...yet also keep me grounded.

We head out in the morning, tonight it's just final packing, lugging the suitcases down the staircase and cleaning out the fridge...not that I have much in there (poor Vipin usually has to survive on sandwiches and cereal the week before departure....when I am just NOT in the cooking mode!)

Next entry will be from Austria!


Wanda said...

ha ha I had to laugh....I was an adult when I found out that everyone didn't learn how to pee in the woods wearing a little dress and not get your panties wet!! That was one of the lessons Mom had to teach us along the way...back in the day...because peeing in the woods was a whole lot better than some of the bathrooms!!!!!

Cyber Fyber said...

Hey....I think this is another one....where's the "photo credit"? Okay, okay....Vipin had a camera too!